Lead Investigators

Prof Ana B. Muñoz García photo

Prof. Ana Belén Muñoz García
Associate Professor

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Ana Belén Muñoz García (Ph.D. 2011) is Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Physics of the University of Naples Federico II since May 2021. Her current research focuses on heterogeneous functional materials for energy conversion and storage. Beside Science, Ana likes cats, running, classical music and Star Wars – More

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Prof Michele Pavone photo

Prof. Michele Pavone
Associate Professor

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Prof Orlano Crescenzi photo

Prof. Orlando Crescenzi
Full Professor

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Group Members

Adriana Pecoraro photo

Adriana Pecoraro
Assistant Professor

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Adriana Pecoraro is currently a non-tenured assistant professor at the Department of Physics “E. Pancini” of the University of Naples Federico II, where she received the Master degree and the PhD in physics. During her PhD, she worked on quantum optics, and now her research is focused on the theoretical characterisation of materials for applications in both conversion and storage devices. She is currently employing DFT-based methods to characterise interfaces and charge transport phenomena at the perovskite/charge transport layers interface in perovskite solar cells.

Arianna Massaro photo

Arianna Massaro
Assistant Professor

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Arianna Massaro works as non-tenured assistant professor at Department of Chemical Science. After the BSc Thesis on the investigation of VGY pigments degradation framed within cultural heritage projects, she approached the study of energy materials and their applications in conversion and storage devices (DSSCs and Na-ion batteries during MSc and PhD Thesis, respectively). She is currently pursuing the field of post-lithium batteries, by combining DFT methods (VASP) and polarizable molecular dynamics (LAMMPS) to study transport properties at electrode/electrolyte interface.

Francesca Fasulo photo

Francesca Fasulo
Assistant Professor

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Francesca Fasulo works as non-tenured assistant professor at the Department of Physics “E. Pancini” of the University of Naples Federico II. She is focused on an ab-initio based multiscale modelling investigation of heterogeneous interfaces for energy conversion and storage via various computational methods, from DFT with periodic boundary conditions (VASP, Quantum ESPRESSO, FHI-AIMS) to the study of excited state properties in molecular systems (Gaussian and MOLCAS), to AIMD and metadynamics (CP2K, DFTB+), to the use of the DFET (ABINIT).

Francesco photo

Francesco Sessa
Post Doc

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Francesco Sessa joined MUSICHEM as a Post Doc researcher. In his previous experiences he developed expertise in studying liquids, from common solvents to ionic liquids, using Molecular Dynamics and X-ray absorption techniques. His past interests also include the study of chemical bonding, in particular exploring the role of electronegativity and hardness in the chemical potential of atoms. Lately, he shifted his focus on the field of energy storage devices. Currently, he is collaborating with the ENEA research center on the theoretical characterization of molten carbonate electrolysis cells.

Aarón photo

Aarón Terán More
Post Doc

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Aarón Terán More is currently Post Doc at the Department of Physics “E. Pancini” of the University of Naples Federico II. He has a strong background on structural characterization of inorganic compounds and biomolecules. Now, he is engaged in the use of computational chemistry tools for a multiscale physicochemical assessment of structure-function relationships in arthropod respiratory systems.

Gennaro Sannino photo

Gennaro V. Sannino
Post Doc

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Gennaro V. Sannino is currently a PhD student in Chemical Sciences at the University of Naples “Federico II”, where he received his Master’s degree in Chemical Sciences in 2020. His research is focused on perovskite solar cells. In particular, Gennaro explores with ab initio density functional theory calculations charge processes at the interface with the perovskite and new kind of materials for PSCs from a microscopic perspective. He is also carrying out his PhD work in the ENEA research center in Portici (NA), combining his theoretical studies with experimental evidences.

Andrea Grillo photo

Michael Zambrano
Post Doc

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Michael Zambrano joined as a postdoctoral researcher. He developed his PhD in Chile and worked in the field of Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). He explores through the density functional theory and its time-dependent part, the electronic, optical, and photovoltaic properties of compounds to be useful in the field of DSSC. He is also experienced in calculating charge transport properties with a combination of DFT with the Keldysh non-equilibrium Green′s function (NEGF) formalism. A recent methodology used to understand the conductivity and response of systems when a voltage is applied.

Aniello Langella photo

Aniello Langella
PhD Student

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Aniello Langella earned his master’s degree in industrial chemistry from the University of Naples “Federico II” in 2022. He is now pursuing a Ph.D. in chemical sciences at the same institution. His research is primarily focused on the development of functional materials for use in energy conversion and storage systems. In addition to this, the use of machine learning methods will be part of his PhD study.

Carmen Serpico photo

Carmen Serpico
PhD Student

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Carmen Serpico

Andrea Grillo photo

Andrea Grillo

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Andrea Grillo currently works as a fellow within the project “ORgANics for Green Electrochemical Energy Storage” (ORANGEES) at the Research Unit INSTM in Naples. His research, based on multi-scale theoretical methods, focuses on the study of functional heterogeneous materials for electrochemical energy storage devices. This primarily involves examining the structure and dynamics of interfaces between solid inorganic electrodes and liquid (or semi-solid) organic electrolytes, such as ionic liquids or polymers.

Andrea Grillo photo

Sara Balocco

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Sara Balocco currently works as …

Undergraduate Students:

Manuel Emanuele (MSc. Student)

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