Great news! Ana has been awarded a HFSP Early Career Grant
We are very excited that the project of Ana with Rosa M. Fernández García (IBE_Barcelona) and Javier Ortega Hernandez (OEB_Harvard) has been selected as one of the 7 funded Human Frontier Science Program Early Career Grants 2022! The three-year project title is “Reconstructing water to land transitions in arthropod evolution combining atoms, genes and fossils” and will combine Ana’s expertise in chemical physics with genomics and paleobiology. We are looking forward to carrying out this exciting multidisciplinar research program… Stay tuned!
More info here:
March 11th 2022
Multidisciplinary project on arthropod terrestrialization:
Reconstructing water to land transitions in arthropod evolution
combining atoms, genes and fossils
Atoms, Genes and Fossils… Here we go!!